Quick Metall

Purchasing Problems? We can help you solving them!

Quick Metall, is a stable mixture of reliability, promptness and much more. You can add guaranteed quality, fairness and security. This was our idea. Now it is our daily work.

Taking all together, the result is an attractive, gentle partner beeing the right one for high demands. We can give you this secure feeling, because we ourself got it. The certification of ISO Norm 9002 secures a constant service on the highest level.

Quick Metall is working with renowned Partners

Quick Metall is cooperating international with multiple renowned Partners. Together with these partners Quick Metall offers a comprehensive range of semifinished products and the technical knowledge for production, application, research and development.

We are able to deliver acc. confirming to all interntional standards / expectations as well as special specifications (DIN, ASTM, nuclear, sourgas).

ISO 9002

Quick Metall is certificated!

The certification of ISO Norm 9002 secures a constant service on the highest level.

Quick Metall GmbH, P.O. Box 1242, 76691 Forst, Germany
Phone: +49-172-7602031 or +49-172-7602032, Fax: +49-7253-956464, eMail: infoquickmet.de

Page: http://q-m-s.de/en/Quick%20Metall.aspx?layout=print